Thank you X 5!
As I look back upon my five years with Capital it amazes me that I have had a series of 5 milestones:
Achievements over the 5 years?
- I changed my hairstyles 5 times
- gained 5 kg
- my table is 5 times messier. There is this joke round the room that you can't see me with all the clutter on my desk
- 5 babies. S***n has 3 girls; L***a has 1 kid on the way and...Ruppie
- but yet never more than 5% increment
5 best things abt Capital:
- the distance. I always boast about the fact that I can wake up at 8.20am and then report for work at 9am. I am proud to say that I have the best punctuality record in the room.
- the view. From where I am sitting, I can see our new office and hopefully next time from the new office, I can see the old office.
- my workstation. All the space I have with allows me to have all the clutter. I still have the 2003 calender somewhere on my table.
- all the parties. Which explains the 5kg...
- the wonderful people here which brings me to the...
5 main groups of people i want to highlight and thank especially:
- I want to thank my ex-boss M Farley, who found higher calling in being a cordon bleu chef after 13 yrs in capital. I hope I won't take this long to get the same enlightenment
- my bosses - M**k - for giving us room to develop and improve on our roles, M*i - for keeping me very, very stimulated in the Taiwanese and Chinese markets, J*****er - for keeping us on our toes and yet often encouraging, J* - for being absent so I won't have to think of saying something good abt her--- i'm kidding here, she's a cool boss
- all the marketing assistants, past and present, for all their help
- the rest of the office who have been an important part of my life all this time
- my team - S***n - for being our mother hen, L***a - the resident rock chick with all her moves, E****e - for her sense of humor, Ruppie - for doing all the food runs when we are hungry in the afternoon. I work with a great team and I love u all guys.
This is why before I came to Capital I had 4 jobs in 4 yrs but after Capital it's 1 job in 5 years.
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